We are excited to launch our new live chat feature on our website! Have questions about our services? Wondering what the best method of transport is for your pet? Simply click the tab on the bottom right-hand side of our webpage to message us!
Responses will be received as quickly as possible during business hours (7 am - 4 pm MST Mon - Fri). After hours, the chat feature will leave us a message and we will respond the next working day.
"After much research, I selected Happy Tails Travel for my pet ground transport needs. We needed to get our dog Zoe from Florida to North Carolina - and as soon as possible for health reasons.
From the moment that I was connected with my pet travel specialist, Samantha, she was professional, friendly, and answered all of my questions. I was promptly assigned a driver and trip plan. Our driver, Julie, immediately made both myself & Zoe feel comfortable and ready for her adventure.
During the trip, Julie stayed in regular contact and furnished wonderful photographs. I never had a moment of doubt or worry - I knew Zoe was in excellent care.
The choice to go with Happy Tails has been one of my best decisions ever. From start to finish, everything went smoothly and helped to make a difficult time much easier. Excellent communication, professional experience, and friendly service. I highly recommend Happy Tails Travels!"
Make sure to read the rest of Zoe's testimonial and our others here!
The short answer is both have advantages. At Happy Tails Travel we have shipped pets by Air with Care & provided a service pickup/delivery to or from the airport since 1995. We have added a popular & much needed alternative to pet airline travel option, which is private, door to door, long distance ground transportation for cats & dogs across the contiguous USA.
Airline Pet Travel Advantages: This offers a faster time for your furry friend to get to their new home, usually the same day. This is especially true if there are no connections, which we prefer, however, not always available. If you live near a big metro area, such as LAX or ORD, an advantage is that there is less driving involved to get the pet to or from major airports, so if you need assistance with the additional transport, it is less expensive. The price for pet airline tickets are based on weight of pet & size of crate. For example, it is less expensive to ship 1 small pet, then 5 large dogs.
Disadvantage to Pet Air Travel: Someone must drive to & from the airport with your dog or family cat (whether it is you or paying someone to help you do it). This can take hours depending on the distance, and you must also be mindful that many flights depart very early in the morning. There are increasing restrictions on pet travel each year with animal airline travel. Restrictions for pets include breed, size, number of pets allowed on each flight, crate size, airline, aircraft type, and the airline cargo facility hours of operations. Something beyond anyone’s control is the weather. The airlines are strict on pets only traveling with certain temperatures, which do very & can change hour to hour. This is especially trying to schedule your pets’ airline schedule in the summer & winter. It cannot be too hot or too cold. The airlines are strict on your pet seeing a veterinarian within 10 days of the flight for a Health Certificate, certifying good health of your cat or dog. The booking process is much different for pets than people. The process of checking in at the airport is also separate & different for live animals. Part of our service is helping with this entire process with pet flights, however the controls by airlines cannot be bypassed. With the nature of flights, they can be changed, cancelled, or delayed. We are here to help you work this through, however it can be stressful for all when this does occur, especially last minute or unexpected. The pets are fine once they are all checked in. The disadvantage is there cannot be someone to watch them during the flight, as they are in the cargo area of the plane set up for pets only, no people
Ground Transport Pet Travel Advantages:
The biggest advantage of ground transport is 24-hour supervision & custom care of your pet(s). They are always with our drivers during the pet transportation, on walks, & in the hotel room overnight. We can talk to them, observe for anything unusual, & ensure safety. We know very well each of our trusted professional drivers, & their communication with us at the office & with you is ongoing, with photos included through the journey. Their nutrition is kept the same as they are used to at home. We customize their routine, such as when/how to be fed, including favorite treats. We walk them regularly, at least every 4 hours, & they can bring their favorite toys, blankets, own leash/collar & beds along for the ride. During the day they ride, and at night they are in the hotel room with their driver so everyone can rest & cleanup for the next day. At the office we are monitoring in real time the pets’ progress, & your driver will keep you up to date. Although Veterinarian Health Certificates are not always required, they may be under special circumstances such as pet has an ongoing medical condition. There are no breed restrictions, no size restrictions, & no weather restrictions. Overall, it is less stressful for a pet, & persons on each end of the transport since you can stay in comfort of your home.
Disadvantages to Ground Pet Travel:
If you have a large pet family that requires an extra handler, or an extra vehicle, that can increase the cost. Further distance also impacts pricing as our ground transport pricing is based primarily on mileage.
As mentioned, there are advantages to both under a variety of circumstances. Our professional Pet Travel Specialists can help formulate a plan & a cost based on what is best for YOU, YOUR PET, & your current travel needs.
Contact us at Happy Tails Travel by filling out our no obligation Pet Travel Form.