Happy Tails Alerts

New LIVE Chat!

We are excited to launch our new live chat feature on our website! Have questions about our services? Wondering what the best method of transport is for your pet? Simply click the tab on the bottom right-hand side of our webpage to message us!

Responses will be received as quickly as possible during business hours (7 am - 4 pm MST Mon - Fri). After hours, the chat feature will leave us a message and we will respond the next working day.

Featured Testimonial

"Kim at Happy Tails Travel is an absolute miracle worked. My 125 lb wolfhound more than exceeds normal size regulations, but she found me a kennel AND an airline that could fly him from Maui to Alaska - something that no other pet relocation service was able to offer."

Make sure to read the rest of Weylyn's testimonial and our others here!

Safe Cat Travel Tips

By: Bridget Monrad, R.N. | Oct 09, 2014

Cats are an important part of any pet family! This includes planning the move of your cat.  Air travel is the quickest way! Cats are shipped by the airline within hours not days, as is the case with ground transportation. The most common air travel option is unaccompanied pet travel. This is your animal companion flying on a jet without a passenger on board that is related to the pet. This way the pet owner can be on either end of the flight. It is ideal and less stressful for a family member can check the cat in at the departing airport and out at the arriving airport, if the pet parent cannot travel on the same flight.

If the feline family member can travel on the same flight there are 2 (two) options:

  1. In the Cabin: Generally only one cat (or small dog) per person can travel in the cabin.
    1. There is a limit on companion animals in the cabin.
    2. An average of 4 (four) per flight.
    3. The space is very limited! Check with the airline to find out their space availability for the pet carrier.
    4. You cannot buy a seat for the pet
    5. Soft sided carries, such as a Sherpa bag are best. They allow more flexibility and are easier to carry onboard and in the airport.
    6. If you are concerned about your cat meowing excessively, or not being able to control their need for a litter box, then travel in the cabin may not be a good choice.
  2. In The Cargo Area: The alternative for your cat to travel on the same plane as you, in the area of the plan where pets are, sometimes called the cargo area. This way you can travel in the cabin without concerns of bothering other passengers with things you cannot control.
    1. The cargo area is safe!
    2. Temperature controlled
    3. Pressurized
    4. Oxygen for each pet

If you are not sure how to get your family cats to their new homes, please contact Happy Tails Travel.

For more information, please visit our website at www.happytailstravel.com or give us a call at 1-800-323-1718 or 520-299-3315.  We are always ready and happy to discuss how we can help you to provide a smooth move for any member of your pet family.