Happy Tails Alerts

New LIVE Chat!

We are excited to launch our new live chat feature on our website! Have questions about our services? Wondering what the best method of transport is for your pet? Simply click the tab on the bottom right-hand side of our webpage to message us!

Responses will be received as quickly as possible during business hours (7 am - 4 pm MST Mon - Fri). After hours, the chat feature will leave us a message and we will respond the next working day.

Featured Testimonial

"Kim at Happy Tails Travel is an absolute miracle worked. My 125 lb wolfhound more than exceeds normal size regulations, but she found me a kennel AND an airline that could fly him from Maui to Alaska - something that no other pet relocation service was able to offer."

Make sure to read the rest of Weylyn's testimonial and our others here!

Which Airline should I use for my Pets’ Move?

By: Bridget Monrad, R.N. | Oct 31, 2014

There are many factors that go into deciding which flight is best for your pet!

Here are some considerations:

  • How big is my cat or dog?
  • What size airline approved crate will my pet be in?
  • What is the breed of my pet?
  • How many pets do I have that will be traveling?
  • How old is my pet?
  • Is my pet healthy to travel?
  • Where is my dog or cat relocating to?
  • Do I want my pet to be on the same flight as me?
  • Is my dog or cat breed brachycephalic?  (This means a short snout or snub nose)
  • Is my dog on a list that includes the term ‘fighting breed’?
  • What time of year is my pet flying?
  • Is this for a domestic pet flight or for an international pet relocation?

All of these factors come into consideration when deciding which flight is best for pet travel needs.

It is a lot to consider, therefore it is helpful to have a pet professional find the most direct/least expensive flight for your pet family member.

Here are some facts for air travel:

  • The area of the plane in the cabin is a very small space under the seat. Some cats are too big!
  • A person must accompany the pet if a client wants their small pet to travel in the cabin.
  • The airline must have a policy that allows pets on the plane; not all do.
  • The aircraft must have a designated place for live animals to be in, if not in the cabin.
  • This area is temperature controlled, pressurized, & oxygenated.
  • Not all aircrafts accept every crate size.
  • A live animal cannot be sedated for the flight as it is a risk to the pet.
  • An unaccompanied pet is not allowed in the cabin.
  • To travel in the designated pet area the pet must:
    • Have a hard sided, hard plastic pet crate with a metal grill door
    • The crate needs to be held together with nuts & bolts
    • The crate must have ventilation on 3 sides, all 4 sides for international travel or for snub nosed animals.
    • No food during the flight! Water is required before, during, and after the flight to maximize hydration.
    • Most of our pets travel unaccompanied which means the pet owner does not need to be on the same flight.

Private Jet Pet Travel

  • Occasionally we are asked if we own private jets for our flying pets.
  • We do not own this type of aircraft, and are not familiar with any airlines that carry pets only.
  • To hire a private small plane to carry pets would be expensive, likely thousands of dollars.
  • We entrust the commercial airlines that have pet safe programs to care for each of our client’s furry VIP family members to fly by Air with Care!

Pet travel is safe! For over 19 years we have had a 100% safety record for our flown pets. Preparing them for the flight is one of the most important parts of the comprehensive, customized moving plan that we provide. We feel confident that as long as your pet is healthy, well acclimated to their proper size travel kennel your pet will do just fine!

For more information, please visit our website at www.happytailstravel.com or give us a call at 1-800-323-1718 or 520-299-3315.  We are always ready and happy to discuss how we can help you to provide a smooth move for any member of your pet family.